
Harry Styles Fine Line Drawing

12 Easter eggs in Fine Line

So I watched that capital fm video of Harry answering questions from fans about his new album and one of the questions asked if there were any Easter eggs which Harry said there were 12 of them and I feel like I've found only a few of them 😅 does anyone know all 12 Easter eggs??

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level 1

I feel like cherry and woman have some similar lyrics like in both songs he's admitting that he's selfish and he's basically jealous but idk that could be a coincidence. In Sunflower vol. 6 the lyrics are "I was just tongue tied-kiss in the kitchen like it's a dance floor" really reminded me of two ghosts "the fridge light washes this room white the moon dances over your good side - tongue tied like we've never known" but again I could be very wrong and it's all a coincidence

level 2

Same! That's exactly what I was thinking!!

level 1

I always assumed the 12 Easter eggs were the tracks themselves lol. What did you find ?

level 2

Yup, same, he's just playing with us i bet

level 1

Woman lyrics: you flower, you feast

Fine Line lyrics: you sunshine, you temptress

level 1

"I heard Jenny saying 'Go get the kids from school'" is in "Canyon moon". And in "She" he says "9 in the morning the man drops his kids off at school". I feel like this HAS to be an easter egg

level 1

If you play sunflower vol.6 backwards, in the beginning it says sunflower

level 1

In She, around the 1:25 mark if you reverse the song you can hear "be honest babe, can't we just be honest babe?"

level 1

Say what you've found, please!

level 1

in to be so loney, right after the first chorus: there's some birds, whistling and the sound of someone lighting a match and blowing it out (starts at 1:06)

level 2


i want to get his album on a mixer and isolate each part of the song to listen for stuff like this

level 2

Could this have a significance to any other song?

level 1

the scream in "lights up" is the scream from the "adore you" music video when he yells into the jar!!!

Harry Styles Fine Line Drawing


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